Developing a Whole School Approach to Place Value


Friday February 9, 2024

This PD provides an opportunity for classroom teachers to fully explore the teaching and learning of place value from Foundation-Year 6. The day will present teachers with the latest research-based evidence to assist them to better identify and overcome common student place value misconceptions. Quality materials and resources will be provided to support teachers to fully develop childrenā€™s place value understanding. Manipulatives, such as Base 10 blocks, and place value assessment tools will be evaluated and practical ideas linked to curriculum will be shared. This PD will introduce teachers to the 6 aspects of place value and provide your school with a new perspective on this integral aspect of mathematics.

Areas Covered:

  • What is place value (PV)? (Based on research-based evidence).
  • Identifying and overcoming common student place value misconceptions.
  • Current assessment tools available for place value in F-6.
  • Developing a hierarchy of place value manipulatives for use in F-6
  • Exploring quality place value resources- books, websites, games, research-based readings.
  • Using the 6 aspects of place value to guide your planning of place value.
  • Place value in the Victorian Curriculum.
  • Differentiating our PV instruction to cater for a variety of student needs.
  • Access to Ange’s PV Assessment Mini-Course.
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